Performed on-line batch entry/ editing of payroll time input. 从事网上整体输入,或编辑薪资时间表。
In order to study the aseismic behavior of SRC frame, the pseudo-dynamic test of one-bay two-story SRC frame's aseismic behavior has been carried out by using computer-actuator on-line system. The input earthquake wave is ELCENTRO ( 1940NS). 为了研究SRC框架在地震荷载作用下的工作性能,本文采用计算机-作动器联机试验方法进行了一榀单跨两层SRC框架结构地震反应试验研究.输入的地震波为ELCENTRO(1940NS)波。
Regarding system commissioning, the focus is on the conjunction method of physical equipment and its configuration, the skill of on-line bus equipment checking and debugging methods and procedures for input and output equipment. 系统调试中主要介绍了物理设备与其组态的关联方法,检查总线设备在线的技巧和输入输出设备的调试方法和程序。
The design is model-free, based directly on pseudo-partial-derivatives ( PPD) derived on-line from the input and output information of the system using a novel parameter estimation algorithm. 设计是无模型的,是直接基于称为伪偏导数的向量,此伪偏导数是通过一种新型参数估计算法,根据系统的输入输出信息在线导出的。
On-line measurement software with added function of graphics file input can effectively improve it's worth. 在测量软件中加入图形读入功能,能有效提高软件的应用价值。
Accessible node voltages are employed to on-line fault detection and location by K-fault nodes diagnosis. Then the circuit gains of output to input under different test frequencies are used to off-line diagnosis by least dispersion method. 获取可及节点电压,运用K故障诊断法进行故障在线检测与初步定位,再离线测量电路在不同的测试频率下输出对输入的增益,运用最小标准差法进行诊断。
PSO was used for on-line solving nonlinear predictive control input to avoid solving nonlinear programming problems. The stability of the algorithm was analyzed. 利用PSO在线优化求解非线性预测控制输入,以避免求解非线性规划问题,同时对算法的稳定性进行了分析。
First, the on-line test results under sine sweep control voltages input were compared with predictions based on those theoretical models. 首先试验比较了EMD系统在正弦扫频控制电压输入下各阶理论模型预测结果与试验结果的差异,验证了各模型对系统的描述精度;
The feature of the method lies in the use of the concept of virtual reference input to create both switch function and performance index function. Thus we can directly choose and modify the parameterized controller by using the plant ′ s on-line input and output data. 其特点是通过引入虚拟参考输入的概念,建立切换函数和性能指标函数,利用被控对象的输入、输出数据直接在线选择、调整参数化的控制器。
The radical basis function ( RBF) neural networks are applied for on-line pattern recognition of the gas-lack in welding, in which the input vectors of samples are constructed by the linear prediction coding ( LPC) coefficients of sound signals. 利用线性预测(LPC)模型参数构造径向基函数(RBF)神经网络输入样本空间,对焊接保护气流量不足进行了在线模式识别。
Based on this, an on-line evaluation model of process stability with statistical method and partial-least-square regression ( PLSR) was set up which overcome the multicollinearity of input parameters. 采用统计分析和偏最小二乘回归方法提出了过程稳定性在线评价模型,克服了输入变量严重多重相关性的问题。
Because of adopting on-line rolling optimization control strategies based on a wide range of output prediction, the predictive control is input closed-loop and the output equation is very complex, its robustness and stability analysis encountered great difficulties. 由于预测控制闭环输入、输出方程非常复杂,采用以大范围输出预测为基础的在线滚动优化控制策略,其鲁棒性、稳定性分析遇到了极大困难。
A new configurable NoC architecture is proposed, and it can implement on-line configuration of the NoC communication network, including the terms of the depth of input buffers, routing algorithm and arbitration algorithm in output channels. 本文提出了一种新的可配置NoC体系结构。它能系统地实行在线配置NoC通讯网络,包括输入缓存深度、路由算法和输出仲裁算法的配置。
In recent years, with the increasing use of mobile devices such as cell phone, tablet computers and digital pen, on-line handwriting input as a natural, convenient has been attached great importance to and has been widely used in daily life. 近年来,随着智能手机、平板电脑、电子白板等移动终端设备的普及,联机手写输入做为一种自然、方便的输入方法,已经得到了高度重视,并在日常生活中得到了广泛应用。
Unconstrained on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition technology can let the user feel freely to input no matter in any style, speed even any angle. 无约束联机手写汉字识别技术可以让用户以非常随意的风格、速度甚至角度进行手写输入,使得书写者书写得更流畅更快捷。